Lays Chip Recall

   I want  to talk about the Lays potato chip. Lays has been a favorite chip of mine for many years.  Lays chips are know to everyone . Everyone eats Lays. I put up a link to show you there has been a recall on them. I will go into detail . But i just wanted to say that everyone eats Lays. I read that consumers are being advised not to eat (certain) potato chips . They say that they pose a serious health risk . The stem recalls in mostly european countries. The market on Lays chips has increased over the years . I thought it to be interesting on how nowadays there has been recalls on many diffrent brands and types of food and products . Just like last month where they recalled the brand peanut butter )JIFFY) . Still to this day most supermarkets don't carry Jiffy on there counters .

        Going back to the recall on Lays . They are saying the product is recalled "due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (milk ,wheat or soy)". Now to me that's a big deal . Most people do drink all of those substances . Myself I don't drink milk because of lactose. Funny because I can't eat ice cream and other diary products. The thing that gets me is how these days most foods kill ya because of the ingredients .I feel sorry for most of the population on why people can't eat certain foods ." I drank water from the outside faucet" I think there is so much more to the inside of this concerning recalls on food and products . With the gas prices these days who knows. With are leadership of our country (not so much).

          The stem of the recalls are mostly Australia and New Zealand where the affected were sold at a asian store .They include Lays Cucumber Flavor  with the best sell dates this month ,Next is Lay's Fried crab Flavor . Now i've never seen any of those flavors here in the states.

          I was looking on google and saw a new latest news showing 6 products you should throw out now. Boyd Specialties Jerky ,Enoki mushrooms, Fruit Fresh Up, which is a cut up version of fruit products . Trader Joes Crunchy Slaw , Rosarita Organic Refried beans, and Walmarts pancake mix brand . So be careful on what you buy.  I wanted to share this blog with you to make sure you stay safe and watch what you eat. I'm definitely into watching food products. I was once over 300 pounds, but in the last year and a half i've lost almost over 120 pounds . So i really watch what I eat so should you .This is my blog for this week. Have a great day . I left a link for you to check if you like. Thank you 


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